COVID-19 – a time of transition? (25/08/20)
Over the past 6 months, we have been through so much change and uncertainty and of course, it is not over yet. Slowly, we are beginning to adapt to ‘the new normal’ – it doesn’t seem as strange any more to see supermarkets and hospitals full of people wearing face coverings, it may now feel more normal not to hug our parents or vulnerable relatives and friends and to socialise in smaller groups. During the pandemic, we may have introduced positive lifestyle changes and even enjoyed the slower pace of life. As we near the reopening of schools next week, there is a sense, or a hope at least that this will signify another step towards regaining life as we once knew it. We are definitely in a time of transition, as individuals, as families, as a country and as members of a University community. But what impact has the pandemic had on our life stories? In his recent NY Times Bestseller How to Master Change , Bruce Feiler discusses how major disruptions or ‘lifequakes’ as ...