That's a wrap! (14/04/21)

That's a wrap!

For the past year, I have been writing this wellness blog for staff and students. It started as an idea to support Social Policy students during lockdown and ended up going out to the whole School. A number of staff have contributed along the way and a huge thanks to those who have. As lockdown restrictions start to lift, it seems like a good time to bring Wellness Wednesday to a close, so this will be my last email.

My last post is based on an article I read in the Guardian a couple of weeks ago, about the need to take it slowly as we reintegrate into society. The author writes that it is normal to be anxious about beginning to socialise and interact with old environments and that the 're-entry syndrome' that some people might experience is part of a healthy readjustment to post-lockdown life. I spent last week off with my kids, meeting up with various friends and family outdoors most days and I can honestly say I feel frazzled this week. It has been a wake-up call to take things slowly!  It is normal to be anxious when there’s such a big change for us as a society and we need to be compassionate towards others who may be adjusting at a different pace. Mindfulness approaches may be helpful at this time. If you feel that you are really struggling, seek professional help. The University offer free counselling services for staff and students, detailed below:



Thanks for listening to my ramblings this past year, it's been a pleasure to share them with you and I wish you all the best for a thriving post-lockdown life 


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