Light boxes (30/09/20)

Light boxes✨
Do you ever notice a dip in your mood as you enter the Autumn months? It’s common to be affected by changing seasons or to have times when you feel more or less comfortable. You might find you have less or more energy when it’s colder or warmer, or you might notice changes in your sleeping or eating patterns.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression related to the change in seasons. People with SAD might experience some of the signs and symptoms below - it's different for different people, and can vary season to season, so this list is not exhaustive:
  • lack of energy
  • finding it hard to concentrate
  • not wanting to see people
  • sleep problems, such as sleeping more or less than usual, difficulty waking up, or difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • feeling sad, low, tearful, guilty or hopeless
  • changes in your appetite, for example feeling more hungry or wanting more snacks
It is thought that SAD is caused by a lack of natural sunlight in the winter months. Light therapy boxes are commonly used to treat seasonal and non-seasonal mood disorders and research suggests they may be effective in treating insomnia, ADHD and dementia. They are usually used once a day in the morning for between 30 minutes to an hour, and ideally should be used in the run up to the darker days, before the light diminishes. 
The mechanisms behind the positive effect are not entirely clear, but changes in light exposure alter the hormones melatonin and serotonin which help regulate mood and sleep. Of course, natural sunlight is even better for you, so make the most of bright October mornings and get out when you can! If you do notice that October slump, why not give a light box a try this year?


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